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“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'" - Jesus in Matthew 6: 9-10


Jesus used the phrase "Follow Me" to recruit his disciples. These words give us a huge clue to the kind of relationship He wanted with His first disciples, and the kind of relationship He wants with you. Jesus was inviting them on a journey. What did their journey look like?


Answering this question will help you understand the journey He is inviting you to consider. 


Jesus was kind with His level of clarity about this journey. Jesus, in no uncertain terms, was on a mission and He was inviting those that followed Him to join that mission. You can hear Jesus' passion and commitment to this mission in the opening request in the Lord's prayer provided above... to bring heaven to earth. 


To bring heaven to earth, we must know how things work in heaven. Jesus' teachings are packed with stories and teachings about heaven, and that teaching is often counter-intuitive to our "earthly" way of doing things. 


One author, Dallas Willard, in his book The Divine Conspiracy, even goes so far to say that Jesus' wisdom must have seemed "upside down" in our world.


Willard, a longtime Professor of Philosophy at The University of Southern California in Los Angeles, says that Jesus came to help his disciples learn to fly right side up in an upside down world. 


“What is truly profound is thought to be stupid and trivial, or worse, boring, while what is actually stupid and trivial is thought to be profound. That is what it means to fly upside down.” - Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God


Jesus is known for being a revolutionary teacher. This reputation is merited, as many of His sayings appear to be "upside down" at first glance. But... what if, in reality, Jesus is right? The best way to know is to put His teachings to the test, and What Does the Journey Look Like? helps you do that.


On this topic, we are inviting you to accept Jesus' invitation to "Follow Him," in order to hear Him and consider the counter-intuitive worldview He came to share. You will learn and grapple with a few of Jesus' most "upside down" statements and learn to embrace them through practical application. As you persist in living out these values, you will grow more and more into a Fully Alive citizen of Heaven... even as you continue your journey on earth.


Week 1 - "My Sheep Hear My Voice" -- John 10:22-30


QUOTE FOR OPTIONAL CONVERSATION: "God’s people are compared to sheep for several reasons. First of all, sheep are one of the few animals that do not have a defense system. Sheep are helpless without a shepherd."


Week 2 - "Become A Fool To Be Wise" -- 1 Corinthians 1:18-29


QUOTE FOR OPTIONAL CONVERSATION: "A fool is someone who is out of touch with reality but should know better.”


Week 3 - "Lose Your Life To Find It" -- Philippians 3:3-11


QUOTE FOR OPTIONAL CONVERSATION: "He who loves his life applies to anyone who shrinks back from sacrifice for the cause of Christ. Such a person is concerned with self-preservation. He is careful to maintain security, seeks his own well-being, and would rather deny Christ than face trouble. This one is warned that he will lose the very thing he loves and is most desirous to keep: his own life will be forfeit.”


Week 4 - "It's Better To Give Than To Receive" -- 2 Corinthians 8:1-9


QUOTE FOR OPTIONAL CONVERSATION: "God is seeking people who will reflect His character and model His generosity. He delights to bless them and show Himself strong on their behalf."


Week 5 - "The Least Is The Greatest" -- Philippians 2:3-11


QUOTE FOR OPTIONAL CONVERSATION: "Being great in God’s kingdom is not about prestige or privilege. Rather, it involves responsibility and sacrifice. To be great is to serve self-sacrificially. Being great in God’s kingdom is about giving oneself for the sake of God’s glory and for the benefit of others."




Phone: 818-842-2186


269 E Providencia Ave

Burbank CA 91502

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